Aksesibiliti Untuk Orang Kurang Upaya di Komples Sukan Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra The Accessibility for People with Disability at Sports Complex Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra

Bidang Kajian : Orang Kurang Upaya

Pelajar/Pengkaji Oleh: Nur Iman Binti Yazin Affar

Alamat Emel: imanyazaff@gmail.com

Tarikh: 15/05/2024

Abstrak Kajian

This study evaluates the accessibilities for people with disabilities at Sports Complex Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra. People with disabilities continue to confront difficulties in accessing public settings in the twenty-first century. People with disabilities did not engage in physical activity and sports primarily because of a lack of suitable sports facilities. This study adopted questionnaires from Norfaezah (2017) measurement scale entitled the Accessibility at Recreational Park Instrument (ARPI) were issued to 133 people with disabilities around Perlis. Using Statistical Package for Social Science, the hypotheses were statistically analysed using Mann-Whitney Test, at p ≤ .05 level of significant. Results indicate that accessibilities provided at Sports Complex Stadium Tuanku Syed Putra, the highest mean goes to ease to access whereas the lowest mean goes to lighting. In addition, the result shows that respondents agree that the most important accessibilities in Sports Complex Stadium Syed Putra with the highest mean value is access route while the lowest mean value is signage. The finding indicates that there are differences between the importance of lighting signage and access route among people with disabilities among gender groups. For future research, the researcher can do a study on the accessibility provided at other recreation parks in Perlis. This research can assist the governing body in improving recreation parks in Perlis and making all recreation parks accessible to all.


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