Bidang Kajian : Kanak-kanak
Pelajar/Pengkaji Oleh: Nurfarahin Binti Sabaran
Alamat Emel:
Tarikh: 22/09/2014
Abstrak Kajian
The purpose of this study is to see the relationship and the predictor of self-esteem and cognitive distortion with depression among the juvenile delinquents in two rehabilitation centre in Kuala Lumpur. The study was conducted upon 79 juvenile delinquents using three psychological tools to measure self-esteem, cognitive distortion and depression. Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, Cognitive Distortion Scale and Reynolds Adolescence Depression Scale were used in the study. The data was analyzed using Pearson Correlation to see the relationship between the variables and Regression Analysis was used to see the predictor of self-esteem and cognitive distortion with depression. The result showed that there were a significant relationship between self-esteem and depression at the level of p>0.05. Cognitive Distortion also showed a significant relationship with depression at the level of p>0.05. The result also showed that self-esteem predicted depression significantly and cognitive distortion also significantly predicted depression at level p>0.05. The qualitative result from the interview with five of the respondent had identified three theme which was family relationship, peer influences and the age of involvement in misconduct.